

IBRA uses an ID for a specific intraocular lens (IOL) model. The resource returns a list with IDs and model description for all IOLs stored in IBRA. For any IOL-related outcome analysis and treatment planning the specific ID of the IOL must be provided with the request. The resource can also return an ID list of microkeratomes and biometry equipment used in IBRA. The ID will be allocated to the device permanently.




Standard authentication with public key, hashed private key and user key is required.


The following categories are avavilable:
  • excimerlaser
  • lenticuleextractor
  • iol
  • microkeratome
  • femtocat
  • biometry

{"corneal_astigmatism": {
        "cyl": -2,
        "ax": 85
"induced_astigmatism": {
        "cyl": 2,
        "ax": 90


curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Public-Key: yourPublicKey' \
--header 'X-Private-Key: hashOfYourPrivateKey' \
--header 'X-User-Key: yourUserKey' \
--data-raw ''


Response is an array with one or more of the following objects:

Name Format Example Comment
id Integer 80 ID of the device
manufacturer String Alcon Manufacturer of the device
model String AcrySof PanOptix TFNT00 Model description of the device

        "id": 80,
        "manufacturer": "Alcon",
        "model": "AcrySof PanOptix TFNT00"
        "id": 392,
        "manufacturer": "HOYA",
        "model": "Vivinex XC1-SP"
        "id": 424,
        "manufacturer": "Johnson&Johnson",
        "model": "TECNIS Eyhance ICB00"