Delete IBRA Case


Allows deletion of a single IBRA case, or multiple IBRA cases, held by a user in the IBRA database.

Deletion of a case stored in the IBRA database requires an identification of the case using its case_id.

Delete all cases
If an API Service Provider likes to delete all cases stored in the IBRA database the following steps can be performed:
1. Get a list with all case ids (use the resource 'Get Cases')
2. Delete all cases from this list using the 'Delete Cases' resource

Important Notes
- Deletion is irreversible
- Patient records in IBRA get also deleted if there are no more cases linked with that patient.




Standard authentication with public key, hashed private key and user key.
Resource must be enabled for the requesting application (defined by the subscription plan on customer account level).


The following parameter (array) need to be submitted:

Name Format Example Comment
case_ids Array ["isegklkj", "sesbkljl"] Please note the s at the end of the parameter: An Array with the cases you want to delete

    "cids": ["kwegw8623lk", "gdxiew96"]

curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost/api/cases' \
--header 'X-Private-Key: cb8379ac2098aa165029e3938a51da0bcecfc008fd6795f401178647f96c5b34' \
--header 'X-Public-Key: emr1_384hf3' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-User-Key: nnPkEbeMU6Jm' \
--data-raw '{
    "cids": ["xev351kwut", "uus4vrk87c"]


The response includes the following value:

Name Format Example Comment
success Boolean true

    "success": true