Data Parameters
Field | Format | Example | Description | Min | Max | |
ablation | Float | 147 | Total ablation used for refractive laser surgery (in micrometer) | |||
anterior_chamber_depth | Float | 3.02 | Depth of the anterior chamber in millimeter preoperatively (from endothelium in phakic IOLs) | 0 | 6 | |
axial_length | Float | 25.34 | Axial length in millimeter | 15 | 39 | |
biometry_formula | Text | SRK/T | Biometry formula used (format: HofferQ, Haigis, SRK/T, Holladay1, Holladay2) | |||
biometry_type | Integer | 346 | ID of biometry-device (see Resource Devices for list of devices) | |||
budva_pre | Float | Binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal preoperatively | 0 | 2 | ||
budva_1m | Float | 0.1 | Binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
budva_3m | Float | 0.1 | Binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 3 months follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
budva_6m | Float | 0.1 | Binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 6 months follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
budva_12m | Float | 0.1 | Binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 12 months follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
budva_24m | Float | 0.1 | Binocular uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 24 months follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
bunva_pre | Float | 0.1 | Binocular uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal preoperatively | 0 | 2 | |
bunva_1m | Float | 0.4 | Binocular uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
bunva_3m | Float | 0.5 | Binocular uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 3 month follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
bunva_6m | Float | 0.63 | Binocular uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 6 month follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
bunva_12m | Float | 0.8 | Binocular uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 12 month follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
bunva_24m | Float | 1 | Binocular uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 24 month follow-up | 0 | 2 | |
cdva_pre | Float | 0.2 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal preoperatively (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cdva_7d | Float | 0.25 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 7 days follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cdva_1m | Float | 0.33 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cdva_3m | Float | 0.4 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 3 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cdva_6m | Float | 0.5 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 6 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cdva_12m | Float | 0.63 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 12 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cdva_24m | Float | 0.8 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 24 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cid | Text | kiiegd798lokj | Unique identifier of the case | |||
city | Text | Zürich | ||||
cnva_pre | Float | 0.2 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected near visual acuity in decimal preoperatively (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cnva_1m | Float | 0.33 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected near visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cnva_3m | Float | 0.4 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected near visual acuity in decimal at 3 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cnva_6m | Float | 0.5 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected near visual acuity in decimal at 6 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cnva_12m | Float | 0.63 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected near visual acuity in decimal at 12 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
cnva_24m | Float | 0.8 | (Spectacle/Best) Corrected near visual acuity in decimal at 24 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
code | Text | Trial 123 | Code that was given to this treatment (e.g. in relation to a trial) | |||
comment | Text | First time Femto | Comment that was given to this treatment (e.g. new version of software, POH, Risk Factor, PCH) | |||
comorbidity | Text | |||||
complications_intraop | Text | none | Intraoperative complications, use text, following some examples:
For laser treatments
complications_postop | Text | dry eyes | Postoperative complications, use text, following some examples:
For laser treatments
cycloplegic_ax0 | Integer | 90 | Cylinder axis from cycloplegic refraction preoperatively | 0 | 180 | |
cycloplegic_cyl0 | Float | -1.5 | Cylinder value from cycloplegic refraction preoperatively | -20 | 20 | |
cycloplegic_sph0 | Float | -4 | Sphere value from cycloplegic refraction preoperatively | -25 | 25 | |
date_operation | Date | 2021-08-26 | Date of operation in Format YYYY-MM-DD | |||
dob | Date | 2000-04-03 | Date of birth of your patient | |||
dominant_eye | Text | yes | State if this eye is (distance) dominant; entry is 'yes' or leave empty | |||
Text | | |||||
endothelial_cell_count_pre | Integer | 2978 | Endothelial cell count preoperatively | 500 | 3500 | |
endothelial_cell_count_3m | Integer | 2788 | Endothelial cell count at 3 months follow-up | 500 | 3500 | |
eye | text | od (R) | od (R) or os (L) | |||
firstday_edema | Text | at incision only | Corneal edema at day 1 after surgery (text, e.g. none, diffuse mild, at incision only) | |||
firstday_iop | Integer | 24 | Intraocular pressure in mmHg at day 1 after surgery | 0 | 80 | |
firstday_pain | Text | mild pain | Discomfort and irritation at day 1 after surgery (text, e.g. none, moderate pain, yesterday only) | |||
firstday_udva | Float | 0.8 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) in decimal at day 1 after surgery | 0 | 2 | |
firstname | Text | Peter | Firstname of your patient | |||
flap_diameter | Float | 9.5 | Diameter of the flap in millimeter | 2 | 16 | |
flap_thickness | Integer | 140 | Thickness of the flap in microns | 0 | 300 | |
hinge | Text | superior | Hinge of the flap (format: superior, temporal, inferior, nasal, other | |||
incision_axis | Integer | 91 | Axis (meridian) of the main incision in degrees | 0 | 360 | |
incision_length | Float | 2.85 | Size (width) of the main incision in millimeter | 1 | 10 | |
incision_type | Text | Type of main incision (e.g. clear corneal, limbal corneal, scleral corneal,...) | ||||
intervention | first | Intervention (format: first, second, third, fourth) | Support interventions (use exact wording, a second intervention = first enhancement):
iol | Integer | 80 | Supported IOLs (submit only the ID, full list of IDs: see devices), e.g.
iol_axis_postop | Integer | 85 | Measured postoperative axis of the toric IOL in degrees | 0 | 180 | |
iol_axis_preop | Integer | 90 | Intended axis of placement of toric IOLs (preoperative) in degrees | 0 | 180 | |
iol_constant | Float | 119.2 | IOL constant used for calculation of above sphere IOL power (usually SRK/T; but can be a0 of Haigis | 110 | 130 | |
iol_constant0 | 0.9 | Float | a0 of Haigis formula | -5 | 5 | |
iol_constant1 | Float | 0.4 | a1 of Haigis formula | -5 | 5 | |
iol_constant2 | Float | 0.0 | a2 of Haigis formula | -5 | 5 | |
iol_implant_location | Text | capsular bag | Location of lens placement (e.g. capsular bag, sulcus, iris-fixed,...) | |||
iol_power_cylinder | Float | 3 | Cylinder power of the IOL in diopters | -10 | 10 | |
iol_power_sphere | Float | 22.5 | Spherical power of the intraocular lens (IOL) in diopters | -16 | 44 | |
iop_3m | Integer | 16 | Intraocular pressure in mmHg at 3 months follow-up | 0 | 80 | |
iop_pre | Integer | 19 | Intraocular pressure in mmHg preoperatively | 0 | 80 | |
k_flat_pre | Float | 43.2 | Flatter K-value in diopters preopratively | 20 | 70 | |
k_flat_1m | Float | 42.6 | Flatter K-value in diopters at 1 month follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_flat_3m | Float | 42.5 | Flatter K-value in diopters at 3 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_flat_6m | Float | 42.4 | Flatter K-value in diopters at 6 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_flat_12m | Float | 42.4 | Flatter K-value in diopters at 12 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_flat_24m | Float | 40.4 | Flatter K-value in diopters at 24 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_max_pre | Float | 45.9 | Maximal measured (topographic) K-value in diopters preopratively | 20 | 80 | |
k_max_1m | Float | 45.5 | Maximal measured (topographic) K-value in diopters at 1 month follow-up | 20 | 80 | |
k_max_3m | Float | 45.4 | Maximal measured (topographic) K-value in diopters at 3 months follow-up | 20 | 80 | |
k_max_6m | Float | 45.3 | Maximal measured (topographic) K-value in diopters at 6 months follow-up | 20 | 80 | |
k_max_12m | Float | 45.2 | Maximal measured (topographic) K-value in diopters at 12 months follow-up | 20 | 80 | |
k_max_24m | Float | 45.1 | Maximal measured (topographic) K-value in diopters at 24 months follow-up | 20 | 80 | |
k_steep_pre | Float | 44.9 | Steeper K-value in diopters preopratively | 20 | 70 | |
k_steep_1m | Float | 43.9 | Steeper K-value in diopters at 1 month follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_steep_3m | Float | 43.8 | Steeper K-value in diopters at 3 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_steep_6m | Float | 43.7 | Steeper K-value in diopters at 6 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_steep_12m | Float | 43.6 | Steeper K-value in diopters at 12 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_steep_24m | Float | 43.5 | Steeper K-value in diopters at 24 months follow-up | 20 | 70 | |
k_steep_axis_pre | Float | 89 | Axis of the steeper K-value in degrees preopratively | 0 | 180 | |
k_steep_axis_1m | Float | 88 | Axis of the steeper K-value in degrees at 1 month follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
k_steep_axis_3m | Float | 87 | Axis of the steeper K-value in degrees at 3 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
k_steep_axis_6m | Float | 86 | Axis of the steeper K-value in degrees at 6 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
k_steep_axis_12m | Float | 85 | Axis of the steeper K-value in degrees at 12 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
k_steep_axis_24m | Float | 84 | Axis of the steeper K-value in degrees at 24 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
laser_excimer | Integer | 3 | Supported Laser (submit only the ID of the laser):
laser_mode | Text | WFO | Supported laser modes (overview, use exact wording):
laser_optical_zone | Float | 6.3 | Diameter of the opical zone in millimeter | 1 | 10 | |
laser_transition_zone | Float | 8.3 | Diameter of the transition zone in millimeter | 1 | 10 | |
laser_treatment_axis | Integer | 85 | Axis of the cylinder of the refractive treatment in degrees | 0 | 180 | |
laser_treatment_cylinder | Float | -1.25 | Cylinder amount of the refractive treatment in diopters | -20 | 20 | |
laser_treatment_sphere | Float | -3.5 | Sphere amount of the refractive treatment in diopters | -25 | 25 | |
manifest_axis_pre | Integer | 90 | Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) preoperatively | 0 | 180 | |
manifest_axis_7d | Integer | 90 | Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) at 7 day follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
manifest_axis_1m | Integer | 90 | Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) at 1 month follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
manifest_axis_3m | Integer | 90 | Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) at 3 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
manifest_axis_6m | Integer | 90 | Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) at 6 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
manifest_axis_12m | Integer | 90 | Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) at 12 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
manifest_axis_24m | Integer | 90 | Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) at 24 months follow-up | 0 | 180 | |
manifest_cylinder_pre | Float | -1.5 | Manifest cylinder (subjective refraction in diopters) preoperatively | -20 | 20 | |
manifest_cylinder_7d | Float | -0.25 | Manifest cylinder at 7 day follow-up | -20 | 20 | |
manifest_cylinder_1m | Float | -0.5 | Manifest cylinder at 1 month follow-up | -20 | 20 | |
manifest_cylinder_3m | Float | -0.25 | Manifest cylinder at 3 months follow-up | -20 | 20 | |
manifest_cylinder_6m | Float | -0.5 | Manifest cylinder at 6 months follow-up | -20 | 20 | |
manifest_cylinder_12m | Float | -0.5 | Manifest cylinder at 12 months follow-up | -20 | 20 | |
manifest_cylinder_24m | Float | -0.5 | Manifest cylinder at 24 months follow-up | -20 | 20 | |
manifest_sphere_pre | Float | -3.75 | Manifest sphere (subjective refraction in diopters) preoperatively | -25 | 25 | |
manifest_sphere_7d | Float | -0.5 | Manifest sphere at 7 day follow-up | -25 | 25 | |
manifest_sphere_1m | Float | -0.25 | Manifest sphere at 1 month follow-up | -25 | 25 | |
manifest_sphere_3m | Float | -0.25 | Manifest sphere at 3 months follow-up | -25 | 25 | |
manifest_sphere_6m | Float | -0.5 | Manifest sphere at 6 months follow-up | -25 | 25 | |
manifest_sphere_12m | Float | 0 | Manifest sphere at 12 months follow-up | -25 | 25 | |
manifest_sphere_24m | Float | -0.25 | Manifest sphere at 24 months follow-up | -25 | 25 | |
marker | Char | x | Marking of the case ('x' or empty), often used for groups of cases (e.g. outliers) | |||
method | Test | LASIK | Support methods include (use exact wording):
For laser treatments:
microkeratome | Integer | 362 | Supported microkeratomes (submit only the ID, full list of IDs: see devices), e.g.
nomogram | Text | Athens | Type of nomogram or protocol used for the treatment (e.g. the Athens protocol for cross linking) | |||
notes | Text | VIP Patient | Any kind of note you want to store for your patient | |||
operation_details | Text | multizone | Additional information to the treatment (e.g. 'multizone' in LASIK or '25min' in CXL) | |||
pachymetry_central_pre | Integer | 555 | Central corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns preoperatively | 200 | 800 | |
pachymetry_central_3m | Integer | 523 | entral corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns at 3 months follow-up | 200 | 800 | |
pachymetry_central_12m | Integer | 522 | entral corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns at 12 months follow-up | 200 | 800 | |
pachymetry_central_24m | Integer | 521 | entral corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns at 24 months follow-up | 200 | 800 | |
pachymetry_thinnest_pre | Integer | 545 | Thinnest corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns preoperatively | 200 | 800 | |
pachymetry_thinnest_3m | Integer | 513 | Thinnest corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns at 3 months follow-up | 200 | 800 | |
pachymetry_thinnest_12m | Integer | 512 | Thinnest corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns at 12 months follow-up | 200 | 800 | |
pachymetry_thinnest_24m | Integer | 511 | Thinnest corneal thickness (pachymetry) in microns at 24 months follow-up | 200 | 800 | |
phone | Text | +417522322424 | ||||
pid | Text | kuwe542xege | ID of your patient | |||
postcode | Text | 8000 | ||||
pupil_photopic_pre | Integer | 6 | Photopic pupil size in millimeter preoperatively | 1 | 10 | |
pupil_scotopic_pre | Integer | 4 | Scotopic pupil size in millimeter preoperatively | 1 | 10 | |
satisfaction | Integer | 4 | Overall satisfaction (scored: 1 to 5, poor to excellent) | 1 | 5 | |
sex | Char | w | m or w | |||
surname | Text | Miller | The surname of your patient | |||
street | Text | Street XY | ||||
target_cylinder | Float | -0.13 | Cylinder of the target refraction | -15 | 15 | |
target_sphere | Float | -0.26 | Sphere of the target refraction | -20 | 20 | |
topography_axis_pre | Integer | 92 | Corneal cylinder axis in diopters preoperatively from topography (e.g. from Topolizer) | 0 | 180 | |
topography_cylinder_pre | Float | -1.57 | Corneal cylinder value in diopters preoperatively from topography (e.g. from Topolizer) | -20 | 20 | |
udva_pre | Float | 0.1 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal preoperatively (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
udva_7d | Float | 0.33 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 7 days follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
udva_1m | Float | 0.4 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
udva_3m | Float | 0.5 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 3 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
udva_6m | Float | 0.63 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 6 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
udva_12m | Float | 0.8 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 12 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
udva_24m | Float | 1 | Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 24 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
uiva_pre | Float | 0.1 | Uncorrected intermediate visual acuity in decimal preoperatively (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
uiva_1m | Float | 0.4 | Uncorrected intermediate visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
uiva_3m | Float | 0.5 | Uncorrected intermediate visual acuity in decimal at 3 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
uiva_6m | Float | 0.63 | Uncorrected intermediate visual acuity in decimal at 6 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
uiva_12m | Float | 0.8 | Uncorrected intermediate visual acuity in decimal at 12 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
uiva_24m | Float | 1 | Uncorrected intermediate visual acuity in decimal at 24 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
uiva_dist | Integer | 80 | Distance in cm used for assessment of uncorrected intermediate visual acuity | 50 | 100 | |
unva_pre | Float | 0.1 | Uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal preoperatively (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
unva_1m | Float | 0.4 | Uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
unva_3m | Float | 0.5 | Uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 3 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
unva_6m | Float | 0.63 | Uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 6 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
unva_12m | Float | 0.8 | Uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 12 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
unva_24m | Float | 1 | Uncorrected near visual acuity in decimal at 24 months follow-up (monocular) | 0 | 2 | |
unva_dist | Integer | 40 | Distance in cm used for assessment of uncorrected near visual acuity | 20 | 60 | |
wavefront_axis_pre | Integer | 88 | Wavefront refraction cylinder axis in degrees preoperatively | 0 | 180 | |
wavefront_blur_pre | Integer | 14 | (Wavefront) Blur preoperatively | -20 | 20 | |
wavefront_coma_pre | Float | 0.18 | Coma in diopters preoperatively | |||
wavefront_cylinder_pre | Float | -1.19 | Wavefront refraction cylinder value in diopters preoperatively | -20 | 20 | |
wavefront_hoa_pre | Float | 0.4 | Higher order aberrations in diopters preoperatively | -100 | 100 | |
wavefront_sa_pre | Float | 0.16 | Spherical aberration in diopters preoperatively | |||
wavefront_sphere_pre | Float | -3.65 | Wavefront refraction sphere value in diopters preoperatively | -25 | 25 | |
wavefront_trefoil_pre | Float | 0.03 | Trefoil in diopters preoperatively |